Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda

Backstage Talks 3 - Kolektív autorov
11,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Backstage Talks je nezávislý časopis o dizajne a biznise plný úprimných rozhovorov so svetovými kreatívcami, stratégmi aj teoretikmi. Keďže vychádza len raz za rok, je stvorený na to, aby sa mohol čítať pomaly, zostal dlhodobo relevantný a priniesol čitateľom hodnotné myšlienky a tipy kedykoľvek naň siahnu. Nemal by chýbať v poličke žiadneho kreatívneho lídra, dizajnéra, marketéra, manažéra, ani fanúšika dizajnu. V treťom čísle si Hartmut Esslinger zaspomínal na jeho prvé stretnutie so Stevom Jobsom, kde mu povedal, že Apple dizajny sú "gýčové americké hovadiny" a ako potom pomohol Apple-u vytvoriť dizajnovú stratégiu. Vizuálny komik Mr.Bingo nám povedal, prečo už ľuďom neposiela cynické pohľadnice plné nenávisti, aj keď mu za to chcú platiť. Rejane dal Bello hovorila o celoživotných projektoch, Mark Porter o tom, ako dizajn prispieva k dôveryhodnosti novín a Veronica Fuerte sa obzrela za desiatimi rokmi svojho štúdia Hey. Môžete si tiež prečítať náš obľúbený trojhodinový rozhovor s Jamesom Jarvisom, plný neobvyklých prepojení a odkazov na pop a skate kultúru. James tiež nakreslil postavičku na obálke a v tomto čísle má galériu svojich kresieb.
Oděv - Móda - Tvorba - Helena Jarošová
13,06 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Tato knížka uvádí na pravou míru značně rozšířený názor, jenž ztotožňuje oděv s módou a módu s oděvem. V dosavadních knižních titulech dlouhodobě převažuje přístup orientovaný na popis vizuálních znaků oděvních mód a posloupnost jejich změn. Sledovaná problematika se zaměřuje nejen na obecně evropskou a z ní hlavně francouzskou oblast, ale i na českou situaci. Cílem je především osvětlit jak sociálně, psychologicky a esteticky významnou problematiku oděvu a odívání, tak i módu jako na jedné straně relativně autonomní instituci a na druhé straně fenomén rázu sociálního, ekonomického a uměleckého. Historické přístupy v některých kapitolách nabývají na samostatnosti (Česká móda po roce 1918), především však v celku knihy i v jednotlivých kapitolách se historie prolíná s otázkami teoretickými. Objevují se sondy do středověké a aristokratické módy období před Francouzskou revolucí 1789, následujícího 19. století, v němž zrod modernity přidal módě na významu a vážnosti. Převažuje 20. století, nechybí ani výhledy do budoucnosti a kritika módy. Knížka je vhodnou příručkou pro obory odívání a módy, textilu, divadelního a filmového kostýmu, zaujme humanitně zaměřené studenty a vědce, žurnalisty a v neposlední řadě i širokou veřejnost uživatelů oděvu.
Poke Poke Poke 2. Fanzie outsalonového tetování - Sarah Dubná
12,50 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Kniha s názvem POKE POKE POKE 2 je pokračováním příběhu outsalonového tetování. Zabývá se současným fenoménem tetování a jeho vnímáním ve společnosti. Kniha představuje další soubor autorů, kteří se věnují tetování z jiných úhlů pohledu, než na co jsme zvyklí u klasických tatérských studií či jinak profesionalizovaných institucí. Jde o jejich vlastní techniku, styl a přístup. Autoři byli vybíráni z různých prostředí od uměleckých škol, až po regionální města atd. Nashromážděné fotografie a realizované rozhovory reprezentují názory na profesionální tetování, estetické priority, tipy a triky, i podstatnou část pozadí tatérské kariéry a životní příběhy jednotlivých autorů.
Ako dobre bývať - Veronika Kotradyová
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Kniha Ako dobre bývať sa v zrozumiteľnej podobe zaoberá bývaním po jednotlivých miestnostiach v byte alebo v dome a ponúka množstvo osobných postrehov aj vedeckých poznatkov o tom, ako si čo najlepšie zariadiť svoj domov. Vychádza z autorkiných odborných kníh o dizajne s ohľadom na človeka a komforte v interiéri. Text sprevádzajú názorné ilustrácie, vďaka ktorým sa môžeme vyvarovať bežným chybám. Kniha je užitočným sprievodcom pri zariaďovaní a prináša inšpiráciu a motiváciu zamyslieť sa nad svojimi skutočnými potrebami. Ako tvrdí autorka, pri stavbe či rekonštrukcii bytov či domov by sa mali spojiť rozum aj cit. Práve z tohto princípu vychádza väčšina rád, ktoré ponúka táto kniha.
Fonts SK - Samuel Čarnoký,Jana Susová
36,01 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 27.05.2024
Publikácia Fonts SK mapuje tvorbu digitálneho písma na Slovensku a zameriava sa na reflexiu písmarskej tvorby vytvorenej v lokálnom kontexte, ako aj tvorbu domácich autorov tvoriacich v zahraničí. Popisuje časový záber od pionierskych začiatkov v deväťdesiatych rokoch minulého storočia až po súčasnosť. Zároveň odkazuje na historické súvislosti ako možný zdroj inšpirácie. Mapuje akademické prostredie a možnosti vzdelávania, poukazuje aj na spôsoby prezentácie a popularizácie a upozorňuje na eventuality uplatnenia písiem v praxi. Najrozsiahlejšou časťou publikácie je chronologická prezentácia, ktorá detailne popisuje konkrétne fonty a písmové rodiny prostredníctvom typografických ukážok. Obsah publikácie dopĺňajú rozhovory s vybranými tvorcami, ktoré plasticky dotvárajú obraz o stave dizajnu písma na Slovensku.
Módní kmeny - Styl subkultur - Caroline Young,Ada Bartlová
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Jedinečná publikácia prináša prehľad módnych smerov a štýlov mladých ľudí za uplynulých sto rokov. V knihe sa dozviete, aké oblečenie je typické pre subkultúry, či už pre teddy boys, hippies alebo punk, a aké sú ich korene. Sleduje vývoj od emancipovaných tanečníc charlestonu cez swingujúcu mládež, mods, rockerov, hippies, pankáčov a vyznávačov emo štýlu až po dnešných hipsterov. Cesta každého štýlu je zmapovaná od počiatočného impulzu po odkaz, ktorý ovplyvnil a stále ovplyvňuje ďalšie štýly.
Design and Violence - Kolektív autorov
30,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
An unprecedented examination of design’s ability to effect, defuse, obfuscate or unveil manifestations of violence in contemporary society Design has a history of violence. It can be an act of creative destruction and a double-edged sword, and yet professional discourse around design has been dominated by voices that only trumpet its commercial and aesthetic successes. Violence, defined here as the power to alter circumstances against the will of others and to their detriment, is ubiquitous in history and in contemporary society. In recent years, moreover, technology has introduced new threats and added dramatically to the many manifestations of violence. Design and Violence is an exploration of the relationship between the two that sheds light on the complex impact of design on the built environment and on everyday life, as well as on the forms of violence in contemporary society. Published to accompany an online experiment launched by The Museum of Modern Art in October 2013, this book brings together controversial, provocative and compelling design projects with leading voices from a variety of fields. Each invited author responds to one object chosen by the curators?ranging from an AK-47 to a Euthanasia Rollercoaster, from plastic handcuffs to the Stuxnet digital virus?and invites dialogue, comments, reflection and active, occasionally fierce, debate. Examples of questions posed include: Can we design a violent act to be more humane? How far can the state go to protect its borders from immigration before it becomes an act of violence? Is violence "male"? These experimental and wide-ranging conversations host voices from the fields of art and design, science, law, criminal justice, ethics, finance, journalism and social justice, making Design and Violence an invaluable resource for lively discussions and classroom curricula.
Príručka bytového dizajnu - Frida Ramstedt,Katarína Lacková
32,46 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Na čo je dôležité myslieť, keď sa chystáte kupovať nábytok alebo zariadiť si bývanie? Na ktoré detaily sa zameriavajú dizajnéri a výrobcovia nábytku? Čo odlišuje kvalitu od kvantity a na aké bežné reklamácie si dávať pozor, ak sa chcete vyhnúť drahej a chybnej kúpe? Po medzinárodnom bestselleri Príručka interiérového dizajnu sa môžete tešiť na ďalšiu príručku od renomovanej švédskej interiérovej dizajnérky Fridy Ramstedtovej. Čitateľom ponúka svoje znalosti o nábytku, ktoré by mal poznať každý a to bez ohľadu na štýl zariaďovania. V knihe dáva konkrétne tipy a triky, ktoré sa vám zídu pri kúpe nábytku, či už nového, alebo z druhej ruky. Pomôžu vám však pochopiť a lepšie využiť aj nábytok, ktorý už doma máte.
Pánové a gentlemani - Michaela Šetlíková
14,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
...klobouk měkký, v létě slaměný, nikdy cylindr! ...k odpoledním vycházkám, schůzím i shromážděním se hodil dlouhý tmavošedý kabát (císařský neboli redingot) s vestou v téže látce, vesta ovšem mohla být i barevná. Černý se nosil k odpoledním zábavám nebo slavnostnějším návštěvám, také ho pán mohl vzít večer do divadla či pro jinou večerní příležitost, kde nebyl předepsán frak nebo smokink. Takto se pánové oblékali i na přednášky, hostiny a svatby denní i večerní, nebylo-li přikázáno jinak.
Palace Product Descriptions, The Selected Archive - Lev Tanju
42,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Phaidon presents Palace Product Descriptions: The Selected Archive, the official printed archive of Palace Skateboard's online product descriptions. Since their debut in 2013, Palace's unconventional descriptors - which often have little or nothing to do with the product being described – have earned a cult following, with readers hooked on every line. Authored by Palace co-founder, Lev Tanju, whose inimitable style essentially tore up the copywriting rulebook, the descriptions are full of humour, pathos, social commentary and unabashed opinion. Eschewing practical details, instead a jacket is described as: TRENDSETTER DON'T THINK SO MATE YOU LOOK LIKE YOU MOONWALKED THROUGH TOPSHOP WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED COVERED IN GLUE Collected here for the first time and printed as they appear online - a few lines set in all caps, formatted as a series of bullet points – the more than 3,000 descriptions are organised into 22 tongue-in-cheek categories, including Anatomy, Animals, Etiquette, Philanthropy, Romance and Travel. The text is interspersed with shots of highly coveted Palace products and chapter openers feature candid, behind-the-scenes images from Palace's archive. At once jokey toilet book and earnest coffee-table opus, this funny and honest volume serves as an essential record of an online phenomenon.
Antonín Heythum - Vlasta Koubská,Radomíra Sedláková
71,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Antonín Heythum (1901-1954) byl výjimečnou a výraznou osobností výtvarné kultury v meziválečném Československu a později v USA. Významně zasáhl do několika oborů (scénografie, architektura, nábytek, průmyslový design, pracoval jako vysokoškolský pedagog), avšak jeho tvorba byla dosud zpracována zlomkovitě, bez širšího kontextu, izolovaně a s omezením pouze na některé obory. Přípravě knihy předcházelo pečlivé zmapování jeho rozsáhlého mezioborového díla v archívech na českém i americkém území s cílem popsat a zhodnotit jeho přínos pro všechny zmíněné oblasti. Pečlivě je popsána rovněž jeho spolupráce s významnými umělci (Man Ray, Erwin Piscator, Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, Frederic Kann atd.) a jeho výstavní aktivity probíhající ve více než šedesáti místech Evropy a USA. Knižní monografie vychází v česko-anglické jazykové mutaci. Publikace obsahuje úplný soupis inscenací Antonína Heythuma, rejstřík a resumé. Text doprovází bohatý obrazový materiál z rodinné pozůstalosti, českých a amerických sbírek (plány, kresby, scénické a kostýmní návrhy, fotografie, rukopisy) a poznámkový aparát.
Škola interiérového designu - Jana Hradecká,Kolektív autorov
23,71 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Záleží vám na tom v jakém prostředí žijete a pracujete? Máte chuť čas od času vylepšit svůj domov a nejste si jistí, jak na to? Nechte se provést zákulisím interiérového designu. Témata v této knize jsou řazena tak, aby na sebe logicky navazovala, právě jako na sebe navazují jednotlivé činnosti při návrhu a tvorbě nového interiéru. Každá z patnácti kapitol je opatřena množstvím fotografií, tabulek i schémat, a také cvičeními, na kterých si můžete ověřit své právě nabyté znalosti. Publikace není učebnicí, ale vychází z osnov a především dlouholetých zkušeností lektorů Interier design školy Intermezzo. Nikdy není pozdě naučit se něco nového...
Pink Flamingos and the Yellow Pages - Bob Hambly
22,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Why are wedding dresses white? And what is the Ketchup and Mustard Theory? The answers always come back to color. Color infuses our lives with meaning, manifesting in science, language, design, pop culture, and beyond. Specific hues shape our everyday actions and define entire generations. In 75 short essays, this book reveals the hidden histories behind a range of fascinating hues - from shocking shades to subtle tints, from jockey silks on the racetrack to corals on the ocean floor. This elegant little hardcover is bursting with bright photographs throughout. It's a vivid tour across geography and through time that will leave you with a renewed sense of curiosity and wonder about our colorful world.
Make Break Remix: The Rise of K-Style - Fiona Bae
24,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
A bold, stylish look at the global rise of Korean culture and style in the words and images of those shaping and living it. K-pop, K-fashion, K-drama, K-beauty: over the last decade, K-style has exploded onto the global scene. What is behind this phenomenon? Where does K-Style go from here? Make, Break, Remix: The Rise of K-Style makes no attempt to define or categorize, instead celebrating the eclectic, multi-faceted nature of K-Style and its home city of Seoul. Through interviews with eighteen tastemakers who are shaping K-style across creative sectors, from 1Million Studio's Lia Kim to rock band leader Hwang Soyoon, world famous tattooist Doy to Asia's leading designer Teo Yang, Fiona Bae tells untold stories from true insiders, exploring a sense of identity in their work, how living in Seoul affects them and their creative output, and the decade of changes that has brought about the current K-style. Interwoven with these texts, five distinct photo-essays from celebrated photographer less_TAEKYUN KIM (recent credits including Vogue Korea, GQ Korea, i-D Korea) capture the vibrant energy of Seoul's streets and the incredible style of its youth. Contributors such as BLACKPINK songwriter and A&R Danny Chung, add their own vital perspectives on the scene, while fashion journalist Sukwoo Hong sits down with brands to watch for his K-fashion directory such as PAF(Post Archive Faction). Designed by Hezin O, with a distinct typography that blends Hangul and Roman writing systems, this is an inventive, genre-breaking look at K-style in the words of those shaping it.
ŠUR: Škola umeleckých remesiel v Bratislave 1928 - 1939 - Klára Prešnajderová,Simona Bérešová,Sonia de Puineuf
75,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Publikácia vo vizuálne atraktívnej forme približuje jednu z najdôležitejších kapitol moderných kultúrnych dejín Slovenska spojenú s počiatkami výučby dizajnu na našom území. Prvá časť sa venuje jednotlivým oddeleniam ŠUR a tvorbe tu pôsobiacich osobností, druhá časť školu predstavuje v širšom dobovom domácom a medzinárodnom kontexte. Autorky a autori jednotlivých textov nadväzujú na fundamentálny výskum Ivy Mojžišovej a dopĺňajú ho o nové poznatky a súvislosti. Čitatelia sa tak môžu zoznámiť aj s viacerými doteraz neznámymi dokumentmi a artefaktmi, ktoré len potvrdzujú mimoriadnu úroveň a nadregionálny význam bratislavskej ŠUR. Publikácia vychádza v spolupráci so Slovenským centrom dizajnu.
Modernosť tradície - Úžitková grafika na Slovensku po roku 1918 1. časť - Ľubomír Longauer
65,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Prvý diel z plánovaného cyklu Ľubomíra Longauera Úžitková grafika na Slovensku po roku 1918 nesie názov Modernosť tradície. Autor sa venuje začiatkom slovenskej úžitkovej grafiky. Po pomalom rozbehu došlo k nebývalému rozmachu slovenského kultúrneho života. Koncom dvadsiatych rokov sa výraznejšie presadili Martin Benka, Andrej Kováčik, Jaroslav Vodrážka, Karol Ondreička, Jozef Cincík, Štefan Bednár a koncom tridsiatych rokov Rudolf Fabry. Každý z nich má v knihe svoj medailón, ktorý predstavuje umelcovu tvorbu počas celého jeho života. Okrem toho sú v knihe kapitoly, ktoré sa zaoberajú celkovou situáciou v slovenskej úžitkovej grafike v rokoch 1918 až 1938. Publikácia je bohato ilustrovaná stovkami dobových prác, z ktorých väčšina patrí medzi zabudnuté a v tomto rozsahu a kontexte ešte nebola publikovaná.
500 Rooms for fun
7,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Each volume focusses on one of the key factors that play a role in decoration - Color, Storage, Accessories, Lighting, Flooring & Materials or on different kinds of houses or spaces - Rooms for fun, Rooms for kids or Urban apartments. The photographs, accompanied by descriptive captions.
nendo: 2016-2020 - nendo
118,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
A brand-new monograph celebrating the work of nendo, one of the most sought-after design studios working today nendo's extensive, idiosyncratic body of work flows seamlessly across disciplines, and is executed in every medium imaginable - from paper clips to watches, shoes, chocolates, glassware, and furniture, all the way up to interior design projects and freestanding architecture. Hot on the heels of nendo's 2019 Phaidon monograph, which traced the first 13 years of the studio's prolific output, nendo 2016-2020 shows us what founder Oki Sato and his team did next - an astonishing number of projects in five years. In addition to nendo's collaborations with some of the biggest brands in design, such as Cappellini, Kartell, Flos, and Coca-Cola, nendo was named Designer of the Year by Architektur & Wohnen in 2019, was winner of the Blueprint Awards designer category in 2018, named first on the Dezeen Hot List of designers in 2016, and winner of the Elle Decor Design Awards in 2015.
Wedgwood: Craft & Design (Victoria and Albert Museum) - Catrin Jones
18,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
A beautifully designed gift book devoted to the work of the renowned ceramics firm Wedgwood, which has thrived from 1759 to the present day. Looking back at key moments in Wedgwood’s design history, this book celebrates the manufacturer’s visual power and great design from its founding in 1759 to the present day. The name Wedgwood has come to stand for something far beyond its illustrious and energetic founder: it has united art and industry; introduced design and artistic collaborations; and pioneered the development ofthe firm’s iconic blue-and-white jasperware. This book tells that story through design, reflecting the continuing role that Wedgwood and its designers, artists, and employees have played in setting trends?including collaborations with many British artists and designers such as Christopher Dresser, Eric Ravilious, and Keith Murray. Wedgwood continuously responds to the market and produces high-quality, desirable ceramicsfor a broad range of consumers, yet remains faithful to the traditions established by Josiah Wedgwood in the eighteenth century. The book presents highlights from the internationally renowned V&A Wedgwood Collection, praised by the Art Fund?one of the UK’s leading art organizations?as “one of the most important industrial archives,” containing around 80,000 objects. This archive reflects the unique proposition of Wedgwood’s business: by operating in both the “ornamental” and “useful” markets, Wedgwood has been able to bring innovative ceramic design to a broad and increasingly international clientele. These ceramics and their stories demonstrate the artistic heritage, craft, and innovation that have become synonymous with the Wedgwood name for more than 250 years. 135 color and 6 black-and-white illustrations
Jeanne Lanvin - Fashion pioneer - Agata Toromanoff,Pierre Toromanoff
62,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Jeanne Lanvin was ahead of her time. The French fashion visionary and imaginative businesswoman from a poor background not only created the first designer fashion line for children - this was colourful and full of lightness, at a time when children were still dressed like adults - the first tailored men's collection and the first unisex eau de toilette, she also founded the longest-running fashion company in the world. This at times employed over 1000 people and included women's, children's and men's fashion, accessories, fragrances, furnishing textiles and decorative objects, and even its own paint factory. The self-taught Lanvin started as a hat maker with her own boutique and managed to become one of the greatest fashion designers of the 20th century with creative energy and inventiveness. She created art deco costumes for theatre and film productions, developed the legendary perfume Arpege and a special Lanvin blue, based on the shade Fra Angelico blue. This richly illustrated coffee table book is dedicated to the extraordinary life and work of this exceptional designer. Text in English and German.
City Country Coast
40,38 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Following the bestselling Eat Drink Nap and Morning Noon Night comes the eagerly-awaited third book from celebrated private member's club, Soho House. With 38 locations around the world, there are certain things which are true of every Soho House: the signature dishes, the bespoke Soho Home interiors, the buzzy crowds of members. Ever wondered how to make Cecconi's' classic Cacio e Pepe, how to give your bedroom that lazy morning at Babington House feel, or what the secret is to throwing a perfect dinner party? Following Eat Drink Nap and Morning Noon Night, City Country Coast captures all of that, sharing signature food and drink recipes, design inspiration, stories and tips on recreating the atmosphere of the Houses at home. The new book opens the doors to some of our newest Houses, as well as the timeless venues our members know and love. From urban locations in West Hollywood, Hong Kong, Rome and Paris, to country escapes in Oxfordshire and Somerset, and coastal havens in Mykonos, Barcelona, Brighton, Saint Vincent & Grenadines and Tel Aviv.
Man meets Woman - Liu Yang
12,83 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Imagine a setting in which a man wearing a dress might be as habitual as a woman in trousers. Where a woman exposing herself in public wasn't sexy, but as creepy as a male flasher. Where professional status and success presented the same prospects for both sexes. In this volume in her series for TASCHEN, leading graphic designer Yang Liu tackles one of the hottest, and one of the oldest, topics of all: he and she. Drawing on the experiences, challenges, and many perspectives on men and women she has encountered in her own life, Yang Liu distills the vast, swirling question of gender into bold, binary pictograms. Dealing with a whole host of situations from the bedroom to the boardroom, Yang Liu's designs are as simple and accessible in their presentation as they are infinite in the associations, evocations, and responses they elicit. Combining age-old stereotypes with topical discrepancies, this fresh approach to the roles and relationships of men and women is, above all, an effort to synthesize a notoriously thorny issue into a fun and refreshing graphic form, and thus to lighten and enlighten our mutual understanding and tolerance.
Guo Pei: Couture Fantasy - D'alessandro Jill
79,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
A resplendent celebration of the spectacular fashion designs of Guo Pei, China's first and preeminent couturier Guo Pei: Couture Fantasy is a journey into the imaginative world of Guo Pei, China's first couturier and one of the world's most innovative fashion designers. Guo Pei has astonished fashion audiences from Beijing to Paris for over 20 years and made headlines in the U.S. as the designer of Rihanna's trailing yellow gown at the 2015 Met Gala. Known for dazzling designs which make the implausible possible, Guo Pei takes inspiration from sources as varied as China's imperial heritage, European architecture, and the botanical world; she has been sought for commissions by celebrities, royalty, and the Olympics. With more than 200 color illustrations highlighting 60 of her exquisite creations, this sumptuous volume showcases the garments' consummate craftsmanship, lavish embroidery, and unconventional dressmaking techniques, all of which are hallmarks of Guo Pei's work. In addition to its visual splendor, the book features a Q&A with the designer, a facsimile sketchbook, and a chronology tracing her career from its start at the Beijing Industrial School of Design to celebrated couturier. Published in association with the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Exhibition Schedule: Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (April 16-September 5, 2022)
Move and Art - Malene Birger
85,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Inspiring new design ideas from multiple award-winning Danish fashion and interior designer Malene Birger. In this third volume of her successful interior design series, Birger showcases four houses and apartments she has recently furnished in England, Italy, Greece and Spain. Alluring before-and-after shots trace the path from proverbial white canvas to feel-good oasis. In addition, the versatile globetrotter shows her own artwork and a new line of jewellery that reflects her unique aesthetic visual language. The final chapter of the book is devoted to the beginnings of her latest remodeling project, a townhouse in Felanitx, a town on the Balearic Island of Majorca. Text in English, German, French and Spanish Also available by Malene Birger: Move and Work, ISBN 9783832798093, and Live and Work, ISBN 9783832794170.
Europe meets USA - Liu Yang
12,83 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Yang Liu uses her wonderfully apt pictograms to display the discordances between American and European customs with wit and wisdom. In Europe meets USA she captures her own experiences of living on both sides of the Atlantic, twinkling a fresh light onto the more obvious confusions. She also reveals the less conscious prejudices that exist between the denizens of the small continent of Europe and those of the giant United States. If the usual view of our divergences is full of cliches in which there are grains of truth, the same is true in reverse. From shopping to commuting, from going to school to romance, from working to annual leave, from football to heros-with 128 pages, this linen-bound booklet invites each side to appreciate the anomalies, change perspective and look at the world through the other's eyes.
The eBike Book
47,41 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Following on the success of The Bike Book, this volume takes us inside all aspects of this growing phenomenon—from smart technology and advanced design to the top visual trends. With power, distance, and speed, these handy vehicles will soon change urban mobility forever. Far less expensive and polluting than even the smallest e-car, e-bikes can be suitable for a variety of lifestyles, such as for difficult hilly terrains or long distance riding. And just like traditional sport and urban bikes, they can also come in folding options for convenience and luxury versions for stylish comfort.
Ai Weiwei - Kolektív autorov
51,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Ai Weiwei is not only one of the most important contemporary artists; he is also an untiring activist and critic of authoritarian systems. "Humanity" includes key works from all phases of the artist's career and examines in detail the aspect of humanity and artistic responsibility in the oeuvre of Ai Weiwei. The catalogue sheds light on concepts such as surveillance, censorship, human rights, freedom of expression, human displacement, radical responsibility, the power of beauty, and the truth of poetry. Guided by these thoughts, it offers new perspectives to understand the relevance of Ai Weiwei's artistic language. It will encompass a wide range of art-historical paradigms (such as the readymade) alongside more radical activist strategies, all aimed at exploring the extremes of the contemporary human condition on a global scale. Exhibition details: Abertina Modern, Mar 13 - June 26, 2022
Circular Design for Fashion - Ellen MacArthur Foundation Publishing
43,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
At heart, this book aims to inspire fearless innovators committed to spearheading the future of fashion. It is for all of us looking to make a positive impact in an industry that we love and care about. It is increasingly acknowledged that the practice of design is not exclusive to designers, nor is it found only in studios. The materials, garments, services, shows, supply chains and stores that make up the fashion industry all work the way they do because of innumerable design decisions, made by creatives all over the world. Circular design goes far beyond rethinking single products or services, it has the potential to redefine how the entire fashion system operates. It's a chance for anyone in the fashion industry - regardless of job title - to support the shift to a circular economy where, by design, waste and pollution are eliminated, products and materials are circulated, and nature is regenerated. Circular design is a pioneering practice of design. It is the creative opportunity of the coming decade for the creatives, innovators, and pioneers who seek to reshape the fashion industry.
Little Book of Balmain - Karen Homer
18,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
One of the original big Parisian couture houses, alongside the likes of Dior and Chanel, Pierre Balmain reigned supreme over the 1950s fashion world with his spectacular and intricate evening wear. Now, in the twenty-first century, Balmain's ultra-modern look – still with the spirit of Pierre – is worn by the likes of Beyoncé, Kristen Stewart, Kate Moss and Kendall Jenner. Heavily embellished, dazzling detail meets futuristic silhouettes for an instantly recognisable look. Known for their strong social media presence driven by their "Balmain army" of fans, Balmain holds a unique position among the top couture houses today.
Chinese Dress in Detobrazovel (Victoria and Albert Museum) - Sau Fong Chan,Sarah Duncan
37,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
A head-to-toe exploration of Chinese dress through sumptuous, detailed photography of some of the most fascinating historic and contemporary pieces in the V&A’s outstanding collection. Chinese Dress in Detail reveals the beauty and variety of Chinese dress for women, men, and children, both historically and geographically, showcasing the intricacy of decorative embroidery and rich use of materials and weaving and dyeing techniques. The reader is granted a unique opportunity to examine historical clothing that is often too fragile to display, from quivering hair ornaments, stunning silk jackets and coats, festive robes, and pleated skirts, to pieces embellished with rare materials such as peacock-feather threads or created through unique craft skills, as well as handpicked contemporary designs. A general introduction provides an essential overview of the history of Chinese dress, plotting key developments in style, design, and mode of dress, and the traditional importance of clothing as social signifier, followed by eight thematic chapters that examine Chinese dress in exquisite detail from head to toe. Each garment is accompanied by a short text and detail photography; front-and-back line drawings are provided for key items. An extraordinary exploration of the splendor and complexity of Chinese garments and accessories, Chinese Dress in Detail will delight all followers of fashion, costume, and textiles.
Fly - Mitchell S. Jackson
43,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Equal parts photo-rich lookbook, and cultural commentary, Fly: The Big Book of Basketball Fashion is the story of the extraordinary intersection of high fashion and basketball, from the league's inception to today, and celebrates the iconic style of NBA athletes. Each chapter explores the style of an era and the cultural influences that shaped it: The league’s inception in 1949, pre-Civil Rights Movement, when the NBA was mostly comprised of white players who wore suits and skinny ties. The years following the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the birth of funk and R&B when basketball fashion got flashier (think Walt “Clyde” Frazier and Wilt Chamberlain wearing fur coats and big hats). The Michael Jordan era of the 1980s and 1990s, with its oversize suits. The epic Iverson/Hip-Hop years of the late 1990s and early 2000s. And now to today, a time defined not only by social media and high fashion’s birthing of the tunnel walk (think LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Russell Westbrook), but one in which athletes are idealized as style icons and activists, figures who inspire conversations beyond how they play and what they wear.
Yayoi Kusama x Louis Vuitton - Yayoi Kusama
94,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 02.06.2024
Louis Vuitton, the global luxury fashion house, and world-famous artist Yayoi Kusama partner again, and in the storied history of the brand’s epic collaborations with artists, this is the most ambitious to date. In this important volume about this powerhouse collaboration, artwork by trailblazing artist Yayoi Kusama is featured alongside the groundbreaking fashion collection she designed with Louis Vuitton, and is organized around the seminal artistic themes that inspired the project. Edited by Ferdinando Verdi and Isabel Venero, the volume includes contributions from renowned experts in both fashion and art, including writer Jo-Ann Furniss who explores the collaboration, designer Marc Jacobs who initiated the house’s relationship with Kusama, and curators Mika Yoshitake and Philip Larratt-Smith, both of whom have organized important exhibitions on the artist’s work. And Hans Ulrich Obrist, the renowned curator and Artistic Director of Serpentine Galleries, London, Hans Ulrich Obrist talks with longtime Kusama expert Akira Tatehata. In the spirit of this iconic partnership and with a nod to the popular fascination with Kusama, the book includes musings from some of the most important contemporary artists and musicians working today—including Arca, Katherine Bradford, Anne Imhoff, Ryan McNamara, Raúl de Nieves, Ryan Trecartin, Nora Turato, and Jacolby Satterwhite—talking about Kusama’s impact and her extraordinary ability to build fantastical worlds through her signature polka dots and mirror balls, which are joyful representations of her deeply thoughtful philosophy about art and the universe.

Podkategória Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda z kategórie Psychológia, etika je fascinujúcim priestorom, ktorý sa zaoberá vzťahom medzi psychológiou a vplyvom dizajnu, úžitkového umenia a módy na ľudskú psychiku a etiku. Tento web je určený všetkým, ktorí sa zaujímajú o túto vzájomnú interakciu a chcú si bližšie preštudovať jej súvislosti a dopady. Na webovej stránke nájdete informatívne články, ktoré sa venujú najnovším psychologickým výskumom a analýzam týkajúcim sa dizajnu, úžitkového umenia a módy. Bude sa tu podrobne skúmať, ako tieto aspekty ovplyvňujú našu psychiku, emócie, vnímanie a správanie sa. Napríklad články o farbách, tvaroch a materiáloch môžu vysvetliť, ako tieto prvky v dizajne a módnom oblečení môžu zmeniť našu náladu, sebavedomie a pocity. Okrem toho bude na webe zdieľané aj pozitívne účinky dizajnu, úžitkového umenia a módy na našu psychickú pohodu a zdravie. Poradenské články vám môžu poskytnúť tipy, ako si zlepšiť prostredie pomocou dizajnu a umeleckých prvkov a ako sa oblečením vyjadriť a cítiť sa lepšie. Ďalšou dôležitou súčasťou webu budú etické aspekty týkajúce sa dizajnu, úžitkového umenia a módy. Budeme sa zaoberať otázkami, ako je udržateľnosť, etická výroba a sociálne dôsledky módy a dizajnu. Informácie o udržateľných materiáloch, fair trade a etických značkách vám umožnia robiť informované rozhodnutia a vyhľadávať produkty, ktoré sú v súlade s vašimi hodnotami. Na webovej stránke nájdete tiež fotogalérie s príkladmi zaujímavého dizajnu, úžitkového umenia a módnych trendov. Tieto vizuálne inšpirácie môžu poslúžiť ako podnety pre vlastné tvorivé projekty a vyjadrenie svojej osobnosti a myšlienok skrze dizajn a módu. Veríme, že tento web vám poskytne ucelený pohľad na vzťah medzi psychológiou, etikou, dizajnom, úžitkovým umením a módnymi trendmi. Pomôže vám lepšie porozumieť, ako tieto oblasti ovplyvňujú náš každodenný život a ako ich môžete využiť na zlepšenie svojho mentálneho a emocionálneho blahobytu.


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JVD Analogové hodinky JG1032.3
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Mám pro tebe pusinku - Guido van Genechten
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WorldS Wackiest Animals 1 - autor neuvedený
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Dragon Teeth - Michael Crichton, Harper Collins
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Manželky a konkubíny - Tchung Su
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Židovské jesle - Elle van Rijn
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Antonín Matzenauer - Bohumil Vykypěl
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