Burst! Abstract Painting After 1945 - autor neuvedený

37,00 €
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Burst! Abstract Painting After 1945 looks at the close, but previously unexplored relationship between Abstract Expressionism and Art Informel. Through texts and close to hundred illustrations, the book describes a vital creative exchange across the Atlantic that would entirely redefine painting. With works by Jean Dubuffet, Natalia Dumitresco, Helen Frankenthaler, Asger Jorn, Lee Krasner, Jackson

EAN: 9788284620053

Výrobca: Slovart

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Burst! Abstract Painting After 1945 looks at the close, but previously unexplored relationship between Abstract Expressionism and Art Informel. Through texts and close to hundred illustrations, the book describes a vital creative exchange across the Atlantic that would entirely redefine painting. With works by Jean Dubuffet, Natalia Dumitresco, Helen Frankenthaler, Asger Jorn, Lee Krasner, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and many others.


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